Local Law 152
I Have Gas
NYC Local Law 152 of 2016 was passed by the City Council 11/16/2016 and approved by the Mayor on 12/06/2016.
The final rules for this law were approved 09/13/2019 and published on 09/23/2019.
The original Service Notice was posted by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB), November 2019 and updated January 2020.
A new Service Notice, Follow-up #2: Local Law 152 of 2016: Periodic Inspection of Gas Piping Systems Required, has been posted by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) as of October, 2020.
A new Service Notice, Follow-up #3: Local Law 152 of 2016: Periodic Inspection of Gas Piping Systems Required, has been posted by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) as of December, 2020.
A new Service Notice, Follow-up #4: Local Law 152 of 2016: Gas Piping Inspections Deadline for Community Districts 2, 5, 7, 13, and 18 in all Boroughs Extended has been posted by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) as of December 2, 2021.
A new Service Notice, Follow-Up #5 – Local Law 152 of 2016: Licensed Master Plumbers Allowed to Certify a Building Does Not Contain Gas Piping; Procedures for Certifying a Building Is Not Supplied with Gas has been posted by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) as of December 30, 2021.
A new Service Notice, Follow-up #6 – Local Law 152 of 2016: Requests for Due Date Extensions to Complete Gas Piping Inspections; Amendment to Local Law 152 of 2016 that allows building owners to receive a 180-day extension of the due date for the inspection of the building’s gas piping system and submission of the GPS2: Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification form to the Department of Buildings.
Enforcement began 01/01/2020 and states the following for those who DO have a GPS:
Every building with a Gas Piping System (GPS) EXCEPT those buildings in Occupancy Group R-3 must be inspected. This means that all buildings with 3 or more residential units and all other buildings, with some exceptions, must be inspected.
As indicated on the Official Local Law 152 Website at the NYC DOB – LL152 of 2016 applies to all properties except one- and two-family homes and other buildings classified in occupancy group R-3 . If your building has one of the following Department of Finance Building Classification, you do not need to comply with LL152: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, B1, B2, B3, B9, M3, M4, N2, S0, S1, S2, or V.
The Inspection Schedule which has been distributed over 4 years is as follows:
On 12/17/2020 the New York City Council enacted legislation that extending the deadlines for inspection and correction of building gas piping systems in Community Districts 1, 3 and 10 in all 5 Boroughs.
On 10/21/2021 the New York City Council enacted legislation that extending the deadlines for inspection and correction of building gas piping systems in Community Districts 2, 5, 7, 13 and 18 in all 5 Boroughs.
Click HERE to access the KeepMyGas page dedicated to Legislation Impacting Local Law 152.
To access the most DOB Service Updates site and see the list of updates – Click HERE.
To access the official NYC Buildings (AKA Department of Buildings – DOB) web page that has a Step-by-Step Guide to Complying with Local Law 152 of 2016 Periodic Inspections of Gas Piping Systems – Click HERE
2020 and 2024 | Community Districts – 1, 3, and 10 in all boroughs. |
2021 and 2025 | Community Districts – 2, 5, 7, 13, and 18 in all boroughs. |
2022 and 2026 | Community Districts – 4, 6, 8, 9, and 16 in all boroughs. |
2023 and 2027 | Community Districts – 11, 12, 14, 15, and 17 in all boroughs. |
And then every 4 years thereafter.
Buildings with a GPS can only be inspected by a Licensed Master Plumber (LMP), or a qualified individual who has been working under the direct and continuing supervision of a LMP and has also completed a DOB approved course.
The inspection will include a visual survey of all exposed gas lines from point of entry of gas piping into a building, building service meters and any exposed gas piping in any and all public spaces for evidence of excessive atmospheric corrosion or piping deterioration that has resulted in a dangerous condition, illegal connections, and/or non-code compliant installations.
The inspector will also test public spaces, hallways, corridors, and mechanical and boiler rooms with a portable combustible gas detector (LMP200) to determine if there is any gas leak. Such testing will include public spaces, hallways and corridors on floors that contain gas piping or gas utilization equipment. Residential, office and commercial tenant spaces WILL NOT be inspected. However if the point of entry of the gas service or exposed gas piping or building owned gas utilization equipment is in a commercial tenant controlled space then the inspector will need access to that area.
Also, any owner occupied office, retail or dwelling space within a building is to be inspected.
If an inspection reveals any unsafe or hazardous condition(s), including any gas leak; the LMP MUST IMMEDIATELY notify the building owner, the utility providing gas service to the building, and the DOB. The building owner must take immediate action to correct the condition(s) in compliance with the New York City Construction Codes and obtain any required permits.
If an imminently dangerous condition exists, the LMP MUST IMMEDIATELY call 911 and wait at a safe point until emergency personnel arrive.
Within 30 days of an inspection with, the LMP must provide to the building owner a GPS Periodic Inspection Report (GPS-1) showing the results of the inspection and a GPS Periodic Inspection Certification (GPS-2).
This is the GPS-1 on the DOB website. This is the GPS-2 on the DOB website.
The LMP will also electronically submit to the DOB, using this PORTAL, a GPS Periodic Inspection Certification (GPS-2). No additional filing by the owner is required. The owner is required to keep the GPS-2 on file for 10 years either electronically or as a hard copy.
These forms are for the building owner and the DOB. No separate forms are required by Con Edison or National Grid and Con Edison and National Grid will only get notified by the LMP or the NYC DOB/NYFD/Emergency Respondents if there are Abnormal Operation Conditions found at the location. Con Edison and National Grid may do their own corrosion inspection on inside meters as required and may overlap the NYC required inspections.
In the case of an inspection that revealed conditions requiring correction the owner has 120 days following the building’s inspection date to correct the conditions. If additional time is required to correct such conditions then the LMP can indicate such on the original GPS-2 and can be a maximum of 180 days. Once the repairs are completed, the correcting LMP must submit to the DOB, using this PORTAL, a new GPS-2 certification stating that all conditions identified in the original inspection report have been corrected.
Once the LMP has filed the new GPS-2 no additional filing by the owner is required. The LMP will also provide the owner with a copy of the new GPS-2. The owner is required to keep this new GPS-2 along with the original GPS-1 and GPS-2 on file for 10 years either electronically or as a hard copy.
According to the NYC Department of Buildings your official inspection is to be completed only in the designated year for your NYC Community district. You may have an inspection done sooner for safety sake but you will still need to complete another inspection during the designated year for your NYC Community district.
Failure of an owner to file an Inspection Certification before the applicable due date was originally set at a civil penalty of $10,000.00 and changed to $5,000 effective 08/11/2021 as per DOB Adopted Rule.
Additionally, effective 11/18/2024, the civil penalty for a 3 Family dwelling was changed to $1,500 as per DOB Adopted Rule.
Building owners are required to keep on file for ten years all reports and certifications and make them available to the DOB upon request.
The initial inspection for a “New Building” with a GPS shall be performed during the 10th year after the DOB has approved for occupancy by way of a CO or TCO after December 6, 2016.
Now that you have all the information lookup your address to determine when an inspection is required.
Local Law 152
I Don’t Have Gas
NYC Local Law 152 of 2016 was passed by the City Council 11/16/2016 and approved by the Mayor on 12/06/2016.
The final rules for this law were approved 09/13/2019 and published on 09/23/2019.
The original Service Notice was posted by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB), November 2019 and updated January 2020.
A new Service Notice, Follow-up #2: Local Law 152 of 2016: Periodic Inspection of Gas Piping Systems Required, has been posted by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) as of October, 2020.
A new Service Notice, Follow-up #3: Local Law 152 of 2016: Periodic Inspection of Gas Piping Systems Required, has been posted by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) as of December, 2020.
A new Service Notice, Follow-up #4: Local Law 152 of 2016: Gas Piping Inspections Deadline for Community Districts 2, 5, 7, 13, and 18 in all Boroughs Extended has been posted by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) as of December 2, 2021.
A new Service Notice, Follow-Up #5 – Local Law 152 of 2016: Licensed Master Plumbers Allowed to Certify a Building Does Not Contain Gas Piping; Procedures for Certifying a Building Is Not Supplied with Gas has been posted by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) as of December 30, 2021. This Service Notice also provides that a Licensed Master Plumbers (LMP), in addition to Registered Design Professionals (RDP), may now certify that a building contains no gas piping and is not required to comply with the gas piping inspection requirements in Local Law 152 of 2016. On January 13th, 2023 the DOB published a Buildings News Update that provides more information on Gas Piping Inspection Reports and a link to “More Info on Periodic Gas Piping System Inspections”. See STEP 6: on that page for contact info to obtain the signed statement from the utility company referred to on page 2 of Service Notice, Follow-Up #5.
A new Service Notice, Follow-up #6 – Local Law 152 of 2016: Requests for Due Date Extensions to Complete Gas Piping Inspections; Amendment to Local Law 152 of 2016 that allows building owners to receive a 180-day extension of the due date for the inspection of the building’s gas piping system and submission of the GPS2: Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification form to the Department of Buildings.
Enforcement began 01/01/2020 and states the following for those who DO NOT have a GPS.
Every building WITHOUT a Gas Piping System (GPS) EXCEPT those buildings in Occupancy Group R-3 must be inspected to certify there is no GPS. This means that all buildings with 3 or more residential units and all other buildings, with some exceptions, must be inspected.
As indicated on the Official Local Law 152 Website at the NYC DOB – LL152 of 2016 applies to all properties except one- and two-family homes and other buildings classified in occupancy group R-3 . If your building has one of the following Department of Finance Building Classification, you do not need to comply with LL152: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, B1, B2, B3, B9, M3, M4, N2, S0, S1, S2, or V.
The Inspection Schedule which has been distributed over 4 years is as follows:
On 12/17/2020 the New York City Council enacted legislation that extending the deadlines for inspection and correction of building gas piping systems in Community Districts 1, 3 and 10 in all 5 Boroughs.
On 10/21/2021 the New York City Council enacted legislation that extending the deadlines for inspection and correction of building gas piping systems in Community Districts 2, 5, 7, 13 and 18 in all 5 Boroughs.
Click HERE to access the KeepMyGas page dedicated to Legislation Impacting Local Law 152.
To access the most DOB Service Updates site and see the list of updates – Click HERE.
To access the official NYC Buildings (AKA Department of Buildings – DOB) web page that has a Step-by-Step Guide to Complying with Local Law 152 of 2016 Periodic Inspections of Gas Piping Systems – Click HERE
2020 and 2024 | Community Districts – 1, 3, and 10 in all boroughs. |
2021 and 2025 | Community Districts – 2, 5, 7, 13, and 18 in all boroughs. |
2022 and 2026 | Community Districts – 4, 6, 8, 9, and 16 in all boroughs. |
2023 and 2027 | Community Districts – 11, 12, 14, 15, and 17 in all boroughs. |
And then every 4 years thereafter.
Originally, as per LL152, only a design professional can certify that a building does not have a gas system.
On 10/21/2021 The NY City Council amended LL152 to additionally allow a Licensed Master Plumber (LMP) may also perform an inspection on buildings without gas piping to certify that there is no gas piping.
Click HERE to see the PDF of the amendment which also describes the process for buildings that have gas piping but no gas service.
Subsequent to the inspection, the RDP or LMP will electronically submit, using this PORTAL, the required GPS Periodic Inspection Certification (GPS-2) to certify this is a building WITHOUT a GPS. The RDP or the LMP will provide the owner with a copy of the GPS-2. No additional filing by the owner is required. The owner is required to keep the GPS-2 on file for 10 years either electronically or as a hard copy. This is the GPS-2 on the DOB website.
According to the NYC Department of Buildings your official inspection is to be completed only in the designated year for your NYC Community district. You may have an inspection done sooner for safety sake but you will still need to complete another inspection during the designated year for your NYC Community district.
Failure of an owner to file an Inspection Certification before the applicable due date was originally set at a civil penalty of $10,000.00 and changed to $5,000 effective 08/11/2021 as per DOB Adopted Rule.
Additionally, effective 11/18/2024, the civil penalty for a 3 Family dwelling was changed to $1,500 as per DOB Adopted Rule.
Building owners are required to keep on file for ten years all reports and certifications and make them available to the DOB upon request.
Now that you have all the information lookup your address to determine when an inspection is required.
We Are Here To Help
NO transaction required to chat.
Have more questions?
Call or Text Bill – 917-232-8529 | Email Bill – bill@keepmygas.nyc | Use the contact form HERE
We will quickly follow up with you to confirm your community district number, answer any of your questions and quote you a price.
Once you are satisfied, we will book an inspection day and time. All major credit cards accepted at time of booking.